Nmap Tutorial
Nmap (Network Mapper) is a powerful open-source tool used for network exploration and security auditing. It allows you to discover hosts, services, and vulnerabilities on computer networks. Nmap uses raw IP packets to determine which hosts are available on a network, what services those hosts are offering, and various other information.
Nmap is available for various operating systems including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Follow these steps to install Nmap:
- Visit the official Nmap website: https://nmap.org/
- Download the appropriate installer for your operating system.
- Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
- Verify the installation by opening a command prompt/terminal and typing
. If the installation is successful, you should see the Nmap version and a list of available options.
Basic Usage
Nmap offers a wide range of scanning techniques and options. Here are a few examples of basic Nmap usage:
- Scan a single target:
nmap target_ip
- Scan a range of hosts:
nmap start_ip-end_ip
- Scan a subnet:
nmap target_ip/netmask
- Scan using a specific port:
nmap -p port target_ip
- Scan all ports:
nmap -p- target_ip
Advanced Techniques
Nmap provides several advanced scanning techniques and features. Some examples include:
- Service version detection:
nmap -sV target_ip
- OS fingerprinting:
nmap -O target_ip
- Script scanning:
nmap -sC target_ip
- Scan for UDP services:
nmap -sU target_ip
- Scan using a specific script:
nmap --script script_name target_ip
Output and Reporting
Nmap allows you to customize the output and generate reports. Some useful options include:
- Save output to a file:
nmap -oN output.txt target_ip
- Save output in XML format:
nmap -oX output.xml target_ip
- Generate HTML report:
nmap -oX output.xml && xsltproc output.xml -o report.html
Nmap is a versatile and powerful network scanning tool that can assist in network exploration, security auditing, and vulnerability assessment. By mastering its various scanning techniques and options, you can gain valuable insights into the security posture of your network or target systems.